The Great Awakening is here…

Everything you need to know about the shadow laissez faire and the beautiful vibrations abound those that seek the path of truth and honour…standing up for Mother Earth and Humanity!

Straight From The Horses Mouth


Is this ‘The Great Awakening’ foretold by ancient mystics throughout the course of Humanity. The one where we shift up a notch and embrace non conformity? Be the change etc etc stop choosing one side over another?


I NOWknow that everything I thought to be true to has folded in- side out & I’m back to Tao, yin and yang and back around again! I have shifted in my so-called programming from being a high res-seeker of approval from external influences to avidly switching my once quite obvious left leanings, with masses of Green passion (of which I will always be affiliated with), dropping the main stream at every level as the BBC 4 talks endlessly about war, about the NHS, about things that drive me to wanting to get wrecked on skunk smack of the smoke world and antidepressants.

The dreary continuous narrative of the main stream is…

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10 thoughts on “The Great Awakening is here…

      • For me my whole journeying is about feeling and listening to my an individual..I have been programmed my whole life by external forces, some benevolent and some malevolent…To step into your deep shadow self, and to fully recognise who you are, or at least to seek that of who am I , requires the total and straight forward thinking of knowing the Ageless Wisdoms from the deep ancestral pasts and the crazy wonderful thinking in of the future combining all parts one plays in ones own life….or something like that… this post, its about my joining up the dots and changing my whole perspective on what has made man the man he is today from the past few hundred years……

        Liked by 1 person

      • Excellent reply. Ayahuasca and other entheogen plant teachers are great for transmuting the base ego self into a shining Gold example of who Heavenly Father intended us to be.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Yes I know many people on their plant based paths….I am happy to find the vibrations and be totally in love with life itself no matter how bad things seem to be….
        I eat Organic, local and seasonal and love love Mother Nature in all that she provides… sun shine and all the elementals…I give high thanks to all things sentient…..all things great and small !

        Liked by 1 person

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