Agenda 21, 5G, intermitant fasting & attachments…

I am up early. Thinking. Thinking about the detox, about why did I smoke last weekend, why am I back to that way of thinking when I know I am a passing cloud on  planet Earth yet find myself knowing the Dark Unseens aims are to enslave, entrain, entrap mans unique individualism and sovereignty  towards the low frequencies of Mass Vexed Vaccinations, mass produced monocultures intensive foodstuffs, whilst telling us from day one, the minute we arrive here on Mother Earth, that we should shut up, put up, work for the machine with slivers of instant gratification in buzz words, buzz feeds, buzz this and buzz that, yet no Bees around their strange anti-human, anti-nature callings.

There is a massive entrainment being rolled out, this I know for sure. I can see it clearly when Socialist Democrat Alexandra Ocasio-Cortex talks. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortex views on Climate Change .

She seems to spew & spill  glumps of programming garb to anyone who will listen, mainly the cardiac arrest of the highly low brow Fake-Stream Media cabal who lap her up looking for the next big Democrat star. Oh boy oh boy,  she is clearly a United Nation stooge and spouts IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) rhetoric of which talks about reducing Green House Gases (GHG) taking CO2 out of the atmosphere  and yet we are plant-based animals living on a very rich ecosystem and here I am today, witnessing her yacking on about Global Warming! But under her crazy eyes twirling around and around, she has another message that is not so airy fairy, but leading all unsuspecting human beings to The New Green Agenda 21 mass pys-op jerry mandering that is everything eery, discombobulated and most assuredly not to make sure we are all kept in line with how we use energy, but to tax us on our every move through chip, pins, card and SMART METERING USING 5G TO GATE CRASH OUR INDIVIDUAL LIVING. These  SMART metered offshore remote gadgetry that is pushing for a cashless society, quantum moon shots & 5G microwave ovens burning up and radiating out more grim statistics as more of the population begets Alzheimers, dementia,  mental disorders, diabetes, cancer whist our unborn babies will absorb microwave radiation.  The Pay off? Instant Gratification. Bills paid on one SMART chip Bank Card thingy. The U.N is going hell-bent for leather to get this out by 2030. Right now Davos is taking place in Switzerland with the richest corps, CEO’s all vying to sign up for this totalitarian change over of our whole way of living.

Social Engineering is here now with the big Silicon crooks pushing out a new green deal called Agenda 21..what is this?

We should all roll up our sleeves and look around the streets to see if we can see these monstrous ariels going up and make some noise like local hero Mark Steele from Gateshead who has just won an overruling in court for standing up to the council to know what and why is 5G not being discussed to the local population. Mark Steele up against Gateshead Council who are rolling out 5G

I urge you to start switching off the Main Stream Arm of Programmers, namely throw Netflix in the Sin Bin along with Day time programming, main stream anything and get into local government somehow. Something I know I need to look at. 

Agenda 21 which I once was an advocate of in my CSR Carbon Footprinting days as an Environmentalist Consultant, is a massive hoax to have ALL OF US SWITCH OVER TO THE DIGITAL SMART SOCIAL ENGINEERING SKAMS that will utterly  be able to surveille WHAT energy you use, what purchases  you make, where you are going, who and what you are doing .

I have seen the future and we need to wake up and take action pronto.

Another excellent over view of this is Rosa Koire’s book:

behind the green mask 2Behind The Green Mask UN Green Agenda 21

Rosa Koire talking on U.N Agenda 21


And finally!

Fasting & C60 Purple Power

You Are Free TV & C60 Purple Power

I am currently practicing intermittent  fasting, whereby I eat between 10 – 6 every day and drink good vibe water with organic lemons. This is giving my digestive system great promotion and rest so I can actually get on with this sort of unloading. Of which I feel great. I have started taking C60 Purple Power, an anti-oxidant eating free radicals, dead cells, sponging them up and taking them out of my intracellular marvellous system of being Who I am, and How Do I become the Best Version Of Myself?

I know entities and attachments exist so here’s a little easy-going site to peruse: Demons, Ghouls, Entities & Attachments

4 thoughts on “Agenda 21, 5G, intermitant fasting & attachments…

  1. My favourite so far… Great read.

    Became a paetron for youarefreetv.

    Plus ordered some purple power. Xx

    On Thu, 24 Jan 2019, 23:23 Straight From The Horses Mouth girlsfromthegreenstuff posted: ” I am up early. Thinking. Thinking about > the detox, about why did I smoke last weekend, why am I back to that way of > thinking when I know I am a passing cloud on planet Earth yet find myself > knowing the Dark Unseens aims are to enslave, entrain, entra” >

    Liked by 1 person

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