Natural immunity every single time…


I’ve always promoted you are what you eat. This consciousness, allows one to feel what’s right, what’s wrong… how to develop and hone one’s unique who am I… tenderly, openly, self awareness, experience, love & kindness throughout one’s experience.

Daughter of mine – shine



I’m mourning my little girl
I miss the privilege of mothering smothering loving with such much unconditional loving…

Drowning in the above
Then she’s suddenly 20 choosing her way forward blessed in righteous guides
I try to hold in…

Some I approve
oh some I see doomed
And yet what do I do about that
Motherhood – the most extraordinary & important time of my life
Poof! she’s blown across the seas of emotional outpouring dreaming her life into interdependent actual descendant
Rising high my o my
Where my knocking no longer serves
My purpose driven into an epileptic fit feeling feelings I survey do not deserve…
What to do how now for mia
Where? Where? Does anyone care? Really mia is that all you thing..
not a good look not after a raw salad dressed in love and fashion

I’m good at caring, great even so anita says, it’s your time to shine
Let yourself come back to poetry writing making a dime
Musical literature historical creature
Love the arts love thy heart kind well speaking pleasure
Hard working not grasping
Let go let go Scorpio south node, pointed in sin,mystery, dark crevices, deep sexual inhibitors of the underground watery mythology draped in catastrophe
Whirlwind dynamic ultimate unhinged

Deep breath into stepping forward
Remembering who am I
Where what how shall I go on into new lands and beyond
France England Argintina’s Mexico Bulgaria oh oh oh ? Let go of what bogs one down
Foolish tidbits internet clown … stuck in Tim pool jimmy Dore Russel brand more me the fool
Hugo talks opening out the potential double skulduggery and buffoonery

With myself my dog my self mhh u who am I
Questioning that no thing no one no dream
Yet everything
No thing know thing every thing everyone
I’m crying my heart out so full of a loss
On the 56 bus ,
Angry at the masked public angry at the jabs jabbed on the public angry at the system ,angry angry angry at alternative media false gods false hoods
Half truths
I miss me I miss thee – I’m a child still you see

Angry at Ukraine deep state children trafficking bioweapon racketeering
Blue yellow flags hidden in the nhs dystopian ugly corporate death system
Plugging blockers anti inflammatory shockers screwing heads up brainwaves ducked in the myrrh of snakes . Serpents cruel servants laid in grovelling greed-infiltrated deeds
Lies lies lies the killing of the children sticking jabs into their pure blood essence
Divisive cruel and utterly bad
Evil is the putrid plundering of greedy fat cat soul sucking archons who have no other way to shame guilt survive as g thy get pull on the loosh of the divine
Spewing lies
I myself do what? Follow shows on rumble YT
No longer telegram. finished with the conjecture of pings ringing in in in
Distracting ring a ding ding filling the brainwaves with dumb downing
Keeping us away from the guru of our destiny
This is sin no matter the gin genie
Focus pocus illusionary joke on us
Good or bad up and down yin if yang
It’s all a skam where did we go wrong in this swan song? Duality land
Plandemic scamdemic evil evil to the people
I for one , feel gutted, shunted, pushed over crushed under the wheels of despair
Lost in the whackadooxle back door front of house stall
What a bore!
Home is my heart
Darling daughter is that chart now eating dinner with her triple jabbed sinner northerner
And she loves him most of All
as I will grow in this no thing know thing place

For she , my little girl, Is quite grown up
Emboldened by her talented assortment of unfolding ahead of the game grace
Home stead
I miss mothering
I miss my role parenting
Trust mia dear dear mia… the eclipse is pulling you apart
Taurus north node pushing towards self sufficiency not controlled oppositioning
Scorpio gasp south of the river dark foreboding house of tail jabbing
Going going
Time for me to deliver
God is my witness and love my forgiveness
May all beings be happy!

I love you daughter of mine child of high
Son yo come to me in good time
Thank you
May 12th Thursday 2022

From production to seduction!

Where are all our chance meetings…?


7th October 2021
Go back to school… french Spanish
Create writing

Health wellbeing- homeopathy? But here’s the snag… these courses are all on line… where’s the community?

I loved mixing things up with other enthusiasts, sitting in our seats, primed for new heartfelt imaginations, moving into concrete manifestations.. now we sit on our screens, screaming blue murder at the hollow, shiny, feedback loops, television, smart gadgetry, zoom chatting. I’m belligerent and stand firmly reminding myself, there is a better way..face to face, heart beats across the way, language muffled, coughs normal, sneezing ahoa!

I stare out on the train, half the people in ugly masks, covering up their pretty human faces, from all races..places…
What dear God, has our human collective outpouring achieved?
We will overcome this madness…mind set mulling hyperbole insanity, for that is what she it is.

The 19thc with its ceaseless wars pushed into 20th ghastly cruelty great First World War… ghastly disgraceful hidden hands pushing agenda manipulation, monopolising their killing machines as test sites… France Germany Russia England

We Are The ONES….There is A Revolution Coming…………!


An immense proactive, positive extraordinary day as over half a million marchers marched on the capital, from all over the country…Up, Down, Left and Right, Northerners, Southerners, Westerners, Easterners…It was by my own feeling, our Game of Thrones as we fight to over come the lying, disgusting, grotesque war using medical apartheid methods wishing to jab us with their experimental mRNA trans-humanism Agenda 21/30 all frizzing, all frying, Internet of Things,(IOT) fourth Reicht industrial AI Big Tech Oligarch subservients as they ramp up 5G!

A plan these deranged power mad Technocrats have held since at least 1920. However listening to Max Egon the other day, I suspect we have ALL been here before, are waking up pretty bloody fast, to stop their total hijacking of the our minds and souls within our glorious 3D bodies.

Why Do We Do Such Gathering?

The Focus clearly was to demonstrate the collective instinctive intuitive human family coming together to show the World, normies, new to the game, half in half out, there is a sleeping Giant beginning to shuffle awake, an eye-opening manifesting, wide-yawn in the making, raising the bar to smash it down as we find our voices Together.

We are awash with Disinformation, in a Cyber war, as Artificial intelligence bots/algorithms run a encoded, embellished, Silicon Valley 01000111100000 mimicking our sentiments, our habits, our behaviours to step into the seamless broadband to become our secretaries, deleting our posts, hiding our news from the feeds…and yet even so, there is RIGHT Action, Right Thinking, Right Doing flying through the ethernets weaving through time-space holographic multidimensional constructs guiding us towards knowing thyself, to be forewarned to forearmed, as the acceleration process of the Great Awakening quickens; our Great Mother Earth, Tara, Sofia bears the pushing in rebirthing All That Was and all That Is underlying, inner standing epigenetics, Gods handle, Gods Gift and Gods pineal sparkling potential. The Male. The Female. The Child. The Trinity.

Our forefathers unraveled through their own service to others, the diabolical Darkened Ones plots to cause harm, mingled with cuts, bruises, trauma, loss, suffering, grief, as these Rulers of the Dark found a way to run us down, taunt, maim, cause havoc and pain, in our intracellular memory banks, mercilessly destroying our good diverse black soils, spraying chemicals into our atmosphere, pouring fluoride into the waterways.

Our Great Mother, has been abused by a few, not the many. We are part of her blood, lymph, bones, and all that is natural and governed by the sentient Divine Whole that resides in All of US.

We are not meant to be turned into robots, brainwashed, stereotyped, placed in groups that identify with each not at all…We Are Gods Children, our mothers pride and joy, nurtured from Love, compassion and intracellular soul ancestral knowing.

NOW the adults are getting angry, watching the absurdity and utter cruelty as the mainstream narrative pushes fear to them to wear those muzzles, covering up their innate innocence and freedoms as we all were.

Now we get warlike as our Children are being stolen right in broad day light whilst ingesting, nanotubes technologies wriggling aliens under the microscope causing morgellans disease, headaches, anxiety, depression, stress, heart palpitation; these strings, or tubes, are the space age modern war methodologies being used by the 000.03% cabal, illuminati, globalists, elites. Terror and villainy in a nut. For What? We know the science is in, and that masks do not work, however they do create a sense of the apocalypse is here, covering their beautiful smiles up, as they breath in congestion from their own bodies.

This is a Spiritual war with an invisible enemy deployed using psychological warfare just as we have practiced with the Cold War, Vietnam, First/Second World War, Korean, Nuclear fear mongering years with docu/films on telly to keep us petrified and now our home grown invisible enemy, bubbling in the wings of the NHS, flue shots, viruses, lies, deceit, skulduggery, Big Agricultural industrial complex selling fast foods, additives, GMO’s, glysophates, geo-engineering courtesy of Gates and co, gambling our futures, and our children futures towards a be moth nightmare scenario to compound our Souls into fractured separated feeding portals for those pesky archonic entities. We have Freedom, guts, courage, self honour more than ever now to turn over their shite reset with Klaus and co, in the battle of Earth in this final End Game.

We Do Not Comply to their eugenics bollox, and depopulation slavery and useless eaters list. No We Do Not. We have what they will never, Creativity, vitality, spirit and connection to GOD, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, and all our families…We hold the keys to unlocking our own prison as we have foreseen to foreknow the language of these coldhearted handled, groomed, blackmailed oddities as they continue with their playbooks.

We have come to the end of the world as we know it, and are planning to kick arse, hug it out, throw their play book out for ever, maybe to teach others how these mad men do their dirty daily business hidden in the shadows..well we can see them now, they know it, God knows it, my dog knows it, and all those who are tuned into the real vibratory magnificence that is our Soul, our Hearts, Our Brains, to use correctly, without hiding under a mask, a jab, a lack of discernment, a lack of critical thinking.

I am pleased to announce that I love UKColumn news – do go look...The Dollar go check Jeff Berwich out….and so many others on Brighteon, Odysee, Lbry, Rumble, Bitchute, Telegram and occasionally Youtube.

When the walls of Judos began to crumble, and a good read of Not In His Name, John Lamb Lash, coupled with my highest power of inner knowing, something I am proud to keep developing, eating clean foods as much as possible, blessing my daily activities, feeling grateful for everything including the shit show that is happening now.

Switch off the lame stream media!

My Advice to All and Sundry…Switch off the lame stream media, For ever..for the Media is the Virus and will be the last bastion to fall…its going…..The British Brain Washing Corporation reported the march on Saturday as a few hundred! What a lie…a propaganda lying farce of covidiots. Anyone who bothers to read my articles, will know my research has led me to the outing of the WEF, UN, XR, Bill Gates, George Soros, And All the lying backstabbing dirty low vibing mother fookers who have no clue that the Rising UP of mankind is HERE and you don’t want to fook the Northerers…..!!!!

Here is some footage I found…most had been disabled! LOL

I have raised a beautiful strong aware outspoken, strong and original female of the species and have the best Bullit ever. I am blessed, I am continuously working on my self development, testing, pushing, embracing, yielding, surrendering, standing up against tyranny and most of All – enjoying this time as we are All Warriors with no more messing to be had...We are The 99.9% and heres the song to finish it up.

And Finally!

Standing up arm in arm dancing, shimmering our human hearted grace, either or, We All Stood Tall, felt the energy, touched each others smiles with glowing knowing and All seeing highs…designated guitar in the circle as we bounced, jigged, up and down, remembering every sentient being to our Who Am I?

And the part about We Are The Ones…my cousin and I celebrated this rare human experience on that glorious star charted Saturnian in Venus with Uranus calm nurturing feeling the vibrations resonating within as without, up above as below, intro, extra, exo ixo…We attended the Gamma rays Greatest Grand Show on our Earth, our Tara, mother, father, distinct World Freedoms without Tyranny, overcoming fear, transcending the oligarchs misinformation going from strength to strength, something We all hold dear..

We ARE the 99% gathering in this new earth ascent, strong, defiant, tribal hues playing accents, faiths and creeds…a beautiful Strong beating Heart resonated without a flick of Doubt…We had travelled thick and far, Oh! the laughter, calling to our Mother Nature, thanking each other, for the courage, strength, effort to make this day one to remember for ever and ever!

We ALL sensed that we were witnessing the turning point of our Human family..the 144 000 fathered at the shore, here that day, in that vibe, no evil could penetrate our happy joyfulness and play…The Rainbow Tribes Are Amongst Every Single ONE of Us..should you reflect and question the narrative…Discernment, GOD of Armour, Sword in Hand, Shields up, Feet Firmly on The Ground!

Theres A Revolution Coming!
London April 2021

Your Gov Wants You Dead. The UN Agenda 21 is the name of this show


This is a poem that once again fell out of me…I am so embedded by these times, that in this Lockdown many emotions and stories are written..the One Thing I know, is I will NOT wear a MASK and heres why…

Inoculation and syringes 

From the March to Now...2020 is a living Mind Control Tale

 Corona Virus came in with a Tik-Tok Dance

 Scaring Joe Public as if a big trance

 Controlling the Narrative

  Usual Suspects Stepped UP Dominated

Repetitive fear-mongering low-vibe cross-referencing, World-Wide

The Economy Shut Down

As though pre-planned..

A Beating Drum mandatory hum

Placing this Universe under Lock Down

Entraining our silences for the Deep State Government plan

Isolation -Social Distancing-WHO in their right mind was counting?

Full Assault on The Elderly (Imo), criminal activity

Annoyingly cruel pushed into Care Homes

Gasping for Water and a Human Touch

Ignored by the Main stream telling us not much

WE Must Save Our Grandma’s

As Fear mind control swept the Tell-lie-vision

Becoming the ‘new normal’

A strange anomaly certainly sealed in this Quarterly

SMART Dust seemed to be quietly packed away, as the Sun-Shine poured Exclusively

In this period of Delay

Blue Skies swept open wide though children indoors; cried

Parks closed families stuck

Key Workers out you go

Good luck!


Dupe the Public rattle those cans chanting pathological ritualism

Told what to say!

Advised only once a little walk of exercise

no stopping

no talking 


Some wearing Masks for protection

No children playing still as their parks are shut-down

Cities towns No traffic to be found

Empty Buses and Trains going somewhere alone

Free too, but no one would go

National panic food distribution galloped rough-shod

Flour toilet roles became fashionably odd

Don’t get me going on those bloody silly Masks

Who Proclaimed them safe? When clearly are not 

the way as Science points

Another big-blag

One needs over 20%. of Oxygen for healthy breathing

Disappearing Common Sense with Mass Control Deception

Scary AND humiliating

Ah.. more finger pointing

They control the Narrative

Lets take those Damn Shots filled with contaminants

Gainer function add ons Retro Virus!

Line me up lets get back to ‘Normal’

Checked, pumped are you sure now?

Mind controlled thats a fact!

The lines have been drawn

The weaponisation of our freedoms gone

Stand UP! Say No to these ungodly bodies

Become the Anti-Vaxxers and worst offenders

Don’t be fooled by divide and conquerism

This is the Globalist UN NWO plan agendas

And it’s happening in real life time

Freedoms controlled opposition supplied

Stacked and packed populations

Agenda 21 rolling out No Go Zones

Watch for those Environmentalists with the ‘Wildlands’

No Longer our Home

Stop Us having any rights in the countryside

protecting Nature

Wait, aren’t we that too?

No we’re all going to live in a Zoom

Chinese Style surveillance credit score maintenance just in case you can’t get out of the newly designed crap artificial poisoned brainwashed human racism

NO more working, just skulduggery SMART daylight robbery

Of All your best intentions laid bare

Globalisation United Nations

Everybody under a semi-permanent lock-down

Unless your Bill Gates, with his Oligarch mates, who pay the BBC

Loads of Spondoolees

Open Source gullible indoctrinated Human Beings

Young ones more the better Socialism mixed with Sunrise momentum

Protests riots angry mobs! Cheered on by the Establishment plods

Smash it up! No matter WHOSE WHO!

This Anti-Humanism is just the ticket for mass exploitation 

Dripping in Emotionalism 

Dystopian hitting all the right buttons

Communitariusm; the buzz word 

Critical thinking out the Window

Furloughed UBI Offices at home

Going to work has almost but died

Sat on the teat as our State that is really Out of Date

To rule by the bleating sheep of the mainstream media 

Who do their bidding, being paid, no longer Journalism

Just spouting 1984 Orwellian diatribes of lies, spying, surveying

Altering frequencies brainwashed poisoned social-engineering

News Speaks all the same

Telling us daily FEAR is the only GAME

I wish I could say that All is well today, but going out and seeing those Masks makes my blood boil

I no longer laugh

The Media who work for their Masters of Mass Manipulation Totalitarian Vaudival plays

Pushing hidden agenda’s eyes now wide-open

Vaccination or No freedom to roam

Under attack Agenda 21 30 50

Those Vaxxed Tracked, traced so quickly

Mandated Medicare

Cares not for your health

Rather hand over your hard earned wealth

Suckling body, mind, spiritual soul mankind

5G SMART networks combined the Fourth Industrial Revolution 

Remote controlled Viewing under the Musk satellite Force 

That pushes the buttons, AI controlled

Synthetic maligneD

Interfacing our human hearted Free Wheeling party

Yet once you are aware these discarnates cannot go here

Achonic low feeders; parasitical breeders

They too want to survive Big Tech-Big Med-Big MSM- Big Banksters namely The Usual Suspects

But are not human

We are Free energetic gentle passionate

Enlightened, natural vibes of Chi magic

Clean foods, preventative medicines

touching feely vibes O’Blessed integration

Wake o’wake

Flush out this parasitical fourth Dimension

Stealers of human hearts…mimicry fakism

Light up our lives as All lives Matter Sentient Wholeness 

Ancestral Above

Guided By Love!

WE, the people are rising upwards, inwards to the Fifth Dimension 

Ascended Masters, Angels and Guides

Musical, spiritual, art makers, craft designers, wax lyrical high vibes

Planting our food with seeds garnished from the Sunshine, Water, Elemental Organic Carbon Soil

These Mind Controllers are pushing their last bastion of fear-mongering hungover old systems

Yet we, of Sovereignty bound

Are not to be fooled in this Spiritual War

Where Love truly Conquers All

Wishing to control our innate God given wisdom

We are now on the rise – Our Awakening their demise..

We are One Individual Strong

The Growing insurgence is not about Race division more akin to the Great Remembering 

Who We Are, Where We Come From 

How we honour our Great Mother Sophia Gaia on her way into the Fifth Dimension

Where Love is the Energy that underpins this massive evolutionary Sign of The Times

Being asked to remember, our reason for coming to Earth in this massive time of Death and Rebirth …

The Great Mysteries are here Being revealed

Channeling our trauma to be healed

God is Love Love Conquers All

Thy Armour Close to Thy Body Heart-Mind Feet on Sacred Ground

Swords and Shield in Hands

Guardians Aspiration Rays Imagination..

WE Are Many They Are Few

Upwards Outwards Breathe in the Sunshine

Vit D, outside playing in the beautiful earthly paradise we call home. 

Psy-op is here. Switch off the MSM. Stop believing the lies that fuel divide and conquerism.


love conquers all!

We Are All Being Pys-opped. This is the lead up to mass AI surveillance under 5G, the Internet of Things(IoT).

Whilst we are being distracted by race division & fear mongering via the duplicitous chunt of corporate Pilgrim Press programming; we should remember how we are in The Great Awakening… that is about remembering who one is, thus a Devine sentient being that has chosen to walk through the fires of transmutation to purify all that is, as the light shines upon our souls bringing out all parts hidden, forgotten and fallen.

empty hospital


Of Gods & Kings… Galliano

Children abduction leading to unspeakable acts of suffering require adults to protect our children. Period.

Steam ships are agents of change in the 19th c in Clydesdale Scotland

Booze cruises steaming drinking

The Genie Deans

The Queen Mary would pass Cunard being made

King George fifth

The Caledonian Queen Mary second

Requisition adult steamers floating over mind sweeping kits

Over the stern

The wire would cut the mines rising high

May 26th 1940 Dunkirk rescuers needed

Bully Beef & biscuits

Paddle steaming crosses carrying over 3,000 soldiers-off the beaches

The shilling tips

Pork pies and pepper pot

Foolish worlds defining bombs torpedos magnetic bombs sweeping on to victory after excusions to hell and back again

After the war new builds of steamers

Diesel motor propeller ships

The Clyde & Bristol paddle ships

White funnel Bristol Queen was a first class passenger ship such as a swan

A beautiful sound of powers going somewhere

and Cardiff Queen

Drinking on below decks euphoniums for seeing the kit

Sailing with the bar open and the whole of South Wales descended upon those Sunday ships singing

Some hairy Mary drunkards

Variety of life on board

Boozy boisterous bars booming and steaming on the halcyon days on the Clyde

Main fortnights holiday to Rothesay

Continuing on to Arran (middle class)


Utilitarians-team ships carrying waste and discharge (sewage )

Plus poorer people and community groups such as women’s institutions

1959 mini cars and the beginning of the car ferries and motorways casting a long shadow over the steam ships in 1966 – Bristol to Cardiff

Destinations and distractions were the in thing today as steamers fell out of fashion

Ships were looking shabby and clanking and banging to Ilfracoombe

Lundy island

1968 Bristol Queen was towed away & scrapped blowing her hooter paddling sounds

The Waverley the last steam paddle ship on the waves

2015 The Balmoral is back with coastal cruising